The Veronica Slack
RecoveryJournal Foundation
100% net proceeds from the sale of the recovery journal 31-days of Volume l and Volume I long-term are contributed to community outreach and beyond.
Mission Statement
The Veronica Slack Recovery Journal Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that provides educational recovery journals to correctional institutions, addiction & mental health resources, alternative recovery resources, start-up recovery houses, and to private individuals.
The Recovery Journals Book Series is a educational recovery-based support system. They are long-term and inspirational. Every page teaches managing skills as well as promotes self-esteem and better thinking for anyone struggling with life issues. This occurs through their personal participation with the recovery journals. We are dedicated to the mission of providing the recovery journals to people who are hurting, hard-headed, or too busy mentally or physically.
Vision Statement
It is our vision over the next five years to expand the distribution of our educational recovery journals nation-wide, as well as overseas. This outreach effort is for individuals, both private and in institutions who are hurting, hard-headed, or to busy mentally or physically. We will reinforce this vision by live broadcasts of our RecoveryJournals mobile distribution outreach. RecoveryJournals will document the educational and informative recovery-life as we distribute recovery journals hand-to-hand across America and abroad.
Please donate today and keep the book distribution support moving forward.
**You do not have to have Paypal to donate**
RecoveryJournals -Recovery Life
RecoveryJournals -Recovery Life

Veronica Slack RecoveryJournals @Silverdale Book Distribution06-21

Follow the RecoveryJournalsBus for an American tour to recovery houses throughout the US, to distribute recovery journals

Veronica Slack RecoveryJournals Day 51 VCTC

Veronica Slack RecoveryJournals Day50 at VCTC
September-October 2021
You are invited October 2nd Saturday 2-5 pm Zoom Hybrid Event
RecoveryJournals Give-a-Way at Pollino's Pizza in Chester, Pennsylvania &
Mondays 2-3 pm Hybrid zoom RecoveryJournals101 United-12step class
June, July,-Aug 2021
**You are invited to follow along as we are getting the RecoveryJournalsBus ready for the fall launch of an American tour to recovery houses throughout the US, to distribute recovery journals and document living a recovery life!
RVBus Distribution tour-dates to be announced monthly
**Travel this summer with us to distribute recovery Journals in Chattanooga, Cleveland, Murfreesboro & Nashville.
**We are seeking Sponsorship and assembling links for donations to support the tour and our nonprofit organization.
**We will be adding & developing a Sponsorship/Contributor page
We are Movin' & Shakin' with Holiday Spirit
September 16, 2020, November 24, 2020, December 22, 2020, We'll be giving out 31-day Recovery Journals at The Volunteer Comprehensive treatment Center in Chattanooga. **Starting Mondays in October we'll display supportive artwork and support sayings -from our weekly Recovery Journals Activities Class***2020October -This months meditation supportive words come from Kristin M "Stay Positive around the Negative"

What exactly is this?
Recovery Support For Anyone
I didn't ask to think this way,
I just do...
Recovery Journals that are part of a book series that provides creative long-term recovery support for any person coping with any issue.
The series can be used in unison with any treatment or program already in place or it can also be used alone as a supportive recovery system.
The participating recovery book series invites you to co-write the daily meditations that creatively promote better thinking in a journal form.
The end result is each person creates a unique book of their own story.
You can collaborate with Veronica Slack from WHEREVER you are! RecoveryJournals' shares life with you from its hometown in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
You can read, write, draw, compose, or sing the other half of the book series, "I didn't ask to think this way, I just do..." from your perspective.
*Get your copy today -and Unleash Your Vision.*
**The participating book series is designed to encompass all economic classes, genders, cultures, races, and all beliefs. This occurs by way of the reader writing half of the book unique to their own views.**

Our April
fundraising event
the RocknRide
has been canceled due
to COVID-19 Pandemic.
Updates will follow
with a new event
when possible.
Latest report March 23, 2020 Coping with the Coronavirus

Chattanooga State Community College Meet & Greet
Recovery Journals 12-Step Meditation Meeting
We are scheduling Recovery Journals Training Sessions for Recovery Houses, Correctional /MAT/Mental Health facilities who want to provide longterm on-site care with
RecoveryJournals & RecoveryJournals-12 Step meetings
Contact us for more information. 423-355-6471
Go to Facilities & Institutions page
Recovery Journals 12-Steps
1. We admitted that we were powerless over having problems; that our lives had become unmanageable.
2. We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
3. We made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
4. We made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
5. We admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
6. We were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
7. We humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
8. We made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.
9. We made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
10. We continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
11. We sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to any person who is struggling and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
Begin the Series with Journal/Volume I
BOOK I Visuals the sum of all the meditations in the Volumes.
A read-only especially when troubled.
A visual support to all the Volumes as you journal your recovery story.
Click the green button to go to Recovery Journals to Participate in Today's free daily RecoveryJournal.
I invite you to buy Volume I to follow along from home
and create your own story with me together in your own Book Series!
CurrentlyWorking on this:
All Musicians, Singers, & Artists can Participate too!
Collaborate by adding your sound or creative art to a recovery journal meditation. Record it on your phone and message it through FB Veronica Slack or Instagram or post it on my FB Page,
Your participation -is the other half of this Book Series.
Enrich your life or add insight into your current program
This series of books are exclusively designed to support everyday people, clients, facilities, and institutions with a common interest or goal of continuous recovery from any issue. Designed as a daily aid to interject a 2-minute window of various thoughts in a meditative activity that creatively guides a person to better thinking.
Begin the Series with Journal/Volume I Long-term or short-term
I didn't ask to think this way,
I just do...
Volume l Size 8.5x11
The daily participating book series that provides creative long-term recovery support for any person coping with any issue.
By Veronica Slack
The Journals/Volumes in the series invite you to co-write the daily meditations that promote better thinking. The end result is your own one-of-a-kind private book series.
The reader co-writes daily with the author or simply moves at their own pace. Participate by relating, commenting, or adding to the thought, followed by answering a question or two. The reader then writes about their life, their times, their way, alongside the author. Creating a one-of-a-kind book unique to itself.
BOOK I Visuals Small size 5.5x8.5
The visual companion in the series. This book is the sum of all the thoughts in Volume I, II, and III. It visually supports all the Volumes as you co-write.
240 pages
Exclusive Author designed pattern breakers to read when troubled.
225 thoughts with captioned images
Each page offers a 2-minute window of change.
By Veronica Slack
ISBN 978-0-9995611-0-2
BOOK I, the Original Book 5.5x8.5, for people who are hurting, hard-headed, or too busy physically or mentally. This original book is designed as a quick aid to thumb through when troubled that interjects a 2minute window of various thoughts to guide us to better thinking.
If you or someone you know is hurting, hard-headed, or too busy, give a lifetime gift that inspires a person to reach higher. "I didn't ask to think this way, I just do..." by Veronica Slack. This gift transpires into the personal achievement of co-writing a unique one-of-a-kind book that connects in an innovative way with society today.
100% net proceeds from the sale of 31-days of Volume l are contributed to community outreach and beyond.
"Unity on the Bridge" welcomed a new day in Chattanooga on Sunday morning. The event had over 300 Chattanoogans join hands in prayer along the Walnut Street Bridge to pray for those affected by addiction and recovery.
Each of those 300 people have their own connection to addiction. Veronica Slack wants to help each of them tell it.
After the prayer concluded, Slack spent her morning handing out flyers about her "recovery journals" series, I Didn't Ask to Think This Way, But I Do.
"Recovery journals are for any person," Slack said. "You don't have to be in a [recovery] program, you can still be a junkie under a bridge."
Slack has written a series of interactive journals that encourage its authors to write down their goals, feelings, and messages to whichever higher power they believe in.
"It tells you to relate, comment, or add to the book," Slack said. "In recovery, we learn to open up, and say the distorted things that are in our minds."
The journals are formatted from her own addiction and recovery experience. Slack told NewsChannel 9 she had been abusing certain substances since before she was 12 years old.
"While my friends were graduating from high school, I was graduating to becoming a junkie. I had tracks up and down my arms," she said.
Today, Slack is 28 years sober. Throughout her sobriety she says she's made it her mission to determined to help everyone in need of a lifeline.
"They're my brothers and sisters," She said. "Whether they're in a program, or not in a program, it's my way of giving back."
Depending on the book, these interactive journals are meant to be written in regularly for a particular span of time. The writing space within the journals range from 30 days to a year.
Slack said she wanted to make her books to reach as many recovering addicts as possible. After her past experiences in jail, she knew certain kinds of books weren't allowed inside the facilities depending on their binding.
"I didn't want to forget the people there," She said. "I worked with the chaplain to make these books with the cover without the metal binding, so they won't use it as a weapon."
Slack told NewsChannel 9 she finds meeting others who have navigated through addiction to be a rewarding experience.
"It gives me the opportunity to connect with people, and give back what was given to me," she said.
Slack has other books in her collection aimed at helping the reader navigate their recovery journey. She is working to incorporate her books into nearby mental health, prison, and court system programs.
For more information on Slack's work, visit recoveryjournals.org.