We All Need Rest
Yes I am talking to you. Page 93 encourages us to look past a layer of skin to see that we all suffer and we all need a spiritual hug -in...

Quick Fixes Don't Work
Pg.92 is reflecting on refraining from quick fixes by letting ourselves Be Human minus- the self destruction. A bad day doesn't have to...

Relief for One Way Thinking
Page 91 reflects how God interacts with us whether we are seeking Him or not. Yes -God is Loving in this relationship. Sometimes what we...

Begin Somewhere
Page 90 in Book l Visuals encourages us to be with God anyway that we can. I've been a bit of a "pesky-thing" for many decades -Thank God...

Create It Yourself
Yes many things are "out of our control." Page 89 reminds us of the power that our Higher Power gave to each of us to use while we are here.

Bring the Body the Mind Will follow
Page 88 is talking about come as you are. God love's the wild you, the quirky you, the free-spirited you, -the nutball you, and yes the...

Everybody Hurts, Some just More Than Others pg.87
God doesn't mean for us to Carry the Weight of the World on our shoulders... thats why He put other people on this spinning World with...

Move On, Choose Your Life -Recovery Journal pg.94 Day40
Page 94 reminds us how to be part of the solution -with out contributing to the problem. At anytime we can find ourselves on either side...

Day39, pg.50 Stay Put and Walk Through It
One of the boldest things I learned to do in life, was to stop in my tracks and stare my difficulties in the face. All credit of course,...

Day38, pg.49 Learning to Think Higher Up
A picture is worth a thousand words. The photos in Recovery Journals are meant to be read-into like little puzzles. I always pick...

Never, Ever UnderEstimate the Power of a Hug! Day 37
📕Recovery Journals unfold "Our Story" together a page a day. Start journaling your book series that promotes better thinking. We choose...

Day 36 Journal Volume l -We Mess-Up, We’re Not Alone
Take a *Free Daily Walk* & Journal thru my book-series w/Me-Now Day 36 Journal Volume l -We Mess-Up, We’re Not Alone Today’s RJL is about...

Day 35 Journal Volume l -Facing Life on Life's Terms
📕Take a *Free Daily Walk* & Journal thru my book-series w/Me-Now Today’s RJL meditation is about attaining courage to walk through what...

RocknRide April 18th 2020
White Lightning Harley Davidson Chattanooga

Day 34 Journal Volume l -Treat Yourself Better
📕Take a *Free Daily Walk* & Journal thru my book-series w/Me-Now Today’s RJL meditation is about becoming willing to treat ourselves...