Day 27: Daily Recovery Journal Volume l
Take a *Free Daily Walk* & Journal thru my book-series w/Me-Now
Day 27: Journal Volume l -Guidance to Respond Better

Today’s RJL is about the most-real relationship we have. It is about the One that goes everywhere we do –whether we like it or not. This relationship with our Higher Power knows our deepest darkest secrets –and stays patiently till we come around wanting to respond better. We get battered through the years because we are resistant to change. The hope is -that we will communicate our anger and release it through acceptance. This relationship between us and our Higher Power teaches us to love our surroundings for better or for worse. We are capable of doing this. So, Do it.
In recovery, we are told the only thing we have to change is everything, that feeds stinking thinking -and we snarl at this. Then we start to change starting with that snarl. Now.
Heading into my day I am reminded to be gentle with my encounters in today’s world. I choose not to nit-pick it apart –and separate myself from it. I will remember to be a part of the solution and not add to the problem with a nasty attitude. You can choose to do the same. Choose to be less difficult in some way.
**Below is the Excerpt from my book-series, “I didn’t ask to think this way, I just do...” that I am relating to. Book l, p38, Volume l, p66.
“Day Twenty-Seven -Guidance to Respond Better
God help me, I can’t stand the world today. Just help me not say or do mean things to myself or another. If that is possible.”

“Relate, Comment, or Add to the Thought”
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