Day 29: Journal Volume l -Avoid Taking a Hard Position
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Start journaling the unique book series that makes you a co-author and promotes better thinking by you writing the other half.
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Today’s RJL meditation is about not shutting people out – not only our children, but also not shutting out family, friends, co-workers, colleagues, or people who seem different -because something is not our way. There are times when situations are toxic and we have to change our approach –that’s all.
Whether you are in recovery or not, as real people in today's world, we can participate in creating better outcomes for ourselves and others by not taking a hard position -a position that is actually a "double-edge sword." Many of us have a hand in creating better outcomes by working the 12-steps and/or by talking to others who have been through similar situations, -they tell us how they got through it -what worked for them. This helps us cope, right now and do something different.
Walking into my day now, I am reminded to take notice if I am locked down about something in my own life. I will apply a recovery-mind to my life by not judging people and remember that I have a 12-step program to get me out of any stressful situation that comes along today. A group of supportive people is the key to balancing our way. Just know: Whatever is up with your life -we need our Higher Power and people, -find them to find you.
*Below is the Excerpt from my book-series, “I didn’t ask to think this way, I just do...” that I am relating to. Book l, p.40 Volume l, p.70
“Relate, Comment, or Add to the Thought”
Homework: What are two things you would tell a friend who has taken a hard position that you see is changing them in a negative way? Here are my two things.
1.-I'd tell them what I see, I'd say, I know this is hurting you, but your position seems to be changing you and making you cold, distant, and closed up toward life now.
2.-I'd point towards a simple solution to move forward. Friend, Don't ever care so much about what someone else has done or is doing, that you lose yourself -learn to back off graciously.
I invite you to go to my website page: shop to purchase Volume l of my private Recovery Journals so you can follow along at home while you create your own story!
Today is a good day -to not be so stubborn.