Day 37: Journal Volume l -Taking Responsibility
Take a *Free Daily Walk* & Journal thru my book-series w/Me-Now

Today’s RJL is about the people, the places, the things, & the ideas that we surround our -self with. It is about realizing if we are functioning at our best with what we are choosing. Knowing that each of us are individually responsible to begin to take action to better any unhealthy situation or circumstance. If we don’t take the steps to advocate for our self, -who even knows we are in a predicament?
In recovery, we begin to take responsibility for our self by choosing a new way to live. Sometimes we can’t change situations immediately, so we learn to practice our program of recovery under any and all circumstances. We embrace what relief recovery is offering by doing the footwork to place our -self, as often as possible, in better environments where we can thrive. Recovery is positive reinforcement.
As I start this day, I am reminded to check what I am surrounding myself with. I’ll remember not to take part in negative, draining, or complaining mentalities. This action drags me down. Instead I will seek out positive minded, solution oriented people and hang-out with them. You can choose to do this too.
*The picture below is the Excerpt from my book-series, “I didn’t ask to think this way, I just do...” that I am relating to. Book l, p.48, Volume l, p.88

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