Day 43: Journal Volume l -Being Proactive
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Today’s recovery journal meditation is about moving into action. It is about not just sitting there thinking and acting as if we are helpless in our situation, -while this action morphs into some odd behavior, that may hurt us or someone else. Being proactive on the deepest level means we understand that if we don’t begin to help our self, -no one else can really help us -they can only try to. We are our greatest advocate.
In recovery, we come to understand that at times we may come up short of living within the spiritual principles of recovery or our 12-step program. The action or the lack of action that we take seals our direction for the day. We tell one another we did this or we did that –and that it didn’t end well. We are told, when the pain is great enough, we will do something different or we can do something different, now. That’s being proactive. Dealing with the here and now, effectively. Are you being proactive today?
Walking into my day now, I am reminded not to just talk the talk –but to walk the talk. If or when I come up short of my ideals today, instead of stirring defects, the flaws of my character, I will remember to be proactive. I'll say things like, “so what, deal with it, or so what, enjoy yourself anyway” to myself and others. Then I'll follow through with a positive proactive action and do something different. You can be proactive this way too. If you choose to be. So, choose to be.

*The next picture is the Excerpt from my book-series, “I didn’t ask to think this way, I just do...” that I am relating to. Book l Visuals, p.54, Recovery Journal Volume l, p.102
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