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Day 50: Journal Volume l -Give Up to Live Better

📕Take a *Free Daily Walk* & Journal thru my book-series w/Me-Now

Today’s recovery journal meditation is about taking the weight off of our shoulders and putting the weight on our Higher Power. Let me tell you something. God can handle whatever we get into, so let Him have whatever you've got. Truth is, there are some-things that we aren’t ready to turn over to God’s care because we are still working on the outcome, and the notion that we got this. The result is struggle, chaos, and stubbornness. Had enough yet?

In recovery, we surrender our “stuff” to win. To win what? -our minds and our quality of life back. We don’t lose a damn thing, but mental baggage. Then we say things like, “Why didn’t I do this surrender thing sooner?” We're told,- better late than never. Turning our troubles over to our Higher Power’s care is part of our third step, -now leaving our troubles there is why we aren’t ever done with step three. Cause we love to take matters into our own hands again. We also love to remind each other to let go, let God. Nudge, nudge.

Heading into my day now, I am reminded to give up my worries from yesterday to my Higher Power and face what actually is occurring with my Higher Power in my heart. I realize that I am Higher Powered by God and He controls the outcome. Throughout the day I'll surrender & choose to follow His steps when needed -to live better. You can choose to do this too. So -choose now to surrender to win.

*The next picture is the Excerpt from my book-series, “I didn’t ask to think this way, I just do...” that I am relating to. Book l Visuals, p.61, Recovery Journal Volume l, p.118.

Go to my website shop page to purchase one of my private Recovery Journals, so you can follow along at home while you create your own story!


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