Day 35 Journal Volume l -Facing Life on Life's Terms
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Today’s RJL meditation is about attaining courage to walk through what life is presenting without harming our self or others. It is easy to point fingers as to who is the cause of our dismay, it is harder to seek guidance and follow through on new behavior. Choose your road.
In recovery, we are told we never have to be alone again with our issues. But, we have to open our mouth & let somebody know, what is going on. We stop running and face what is bugging us. We do this with the guidance of a sponsor, a mentor, an advisor, clergy, or a trusted friend.
As I walk on recovery road to begin my day, right now -I am reminded that others walk this road with me. I am reminded that we laugh, cry, console, & love one another along the way to “only God knows where.” Today I will not run from life –instead I’ll learn to live it by answering the question, what is it that life wants from me, right now. You can answer it too.
*The next picture is the Excerpt from my book-series, “I didn’t ask to think this way, I just do...” that I am relating to. Book l, p.46 Volume l, p.84
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